
I drove by Evergreen Lake this morning and saw it: the first crack. A big long crack along the lake, running from the mouth of the creek almost to the dam. The first omen of approaching spring.

Walk on the lake
A February walk on the lake with my friend, Linda Kirkpatrick

Just a week and a half ago I was walking all over the lake with my daughter after ice skating at the Lake House. We saw several clusters of fisherman huddling together in the cold over a tiny hole in the ice, hoping for a catch. A few were inside little tents.

We examined a big snow fish sculpture and a castle. We pretended we were on the North Pole, far from anyone. We listened to the distant laughter of skaters. We reveled in the whiteness that surrounded us.

But today, the lake was deserted. No fishermen. The sculptures melting into shapeless blobs. The skating rink empty.

A blue jay couple flitted around the trees near my car, alerting me to what the future has in store.

Hello, spring.

–The Hammster

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