Get your message out!

Is this you?

Don’t be the tree falling in the forest with no one around to hear it.

You may have the most amazing business or nonprofit in the world, but if no one knows about it, you have nothing.

Let Hammster Media get the word out for you, and help maintain your relationships, so you can concentrate on your important work.

Hammster Media is a  one-stop shop for all your communications needs. We offer the following and more, at affordable prices:

  • PR/Marketing
  • Writing/Editing (Press releases, articles, emails, appeal letters, copy for brochures and annual reports, etc.)
  • Website management (Redesign, content, maintenance, etc.)
  • Promotional materials (Brochures, posters, fliers, rack cards, trade show displays)
  • Design (Ads, logos, t-shirt designs, etc.)
  • Publications (Annual Reports, magazines, newsletters, etc.)
  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Flickr, etc.)
  • Email & mobile marketing (Design, content, text messaging, etc.)
  • Event help (Organization, invitations, publicity)
  • More! (Audio, videos, etc.)

To find out how Hammster Media can help grow your business, email or call 720-971-9460!

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